Knit Purl Repeats 02: Moss stitch & Double Moss stitch

The Moss stitch and The Double Moss stitch

The Knit Purl Repeats 02 is created by switching between the Moss stitch and the Double Moss stitch.

The Moss stitch and the Double Moss stitch are both popular stitches in knitting, also known as the Seed stitch and the Double Seed stitch, creating a textured surface with small, grain-like bumps.

The similarity between these stitches lies in the alternation of knit and purl stitches (1-1) in each row.

The difference is that the Moss stitch pattern consists of only 2 rows. In the wrong rows, you knit the purl stitches and purl the knit stitches - reverse the stitch type to create texture. The Double Moss stitch pattern has 4 rows that repeat. In the wrong rows, you knit the purl stitches and purl the knit stitches - keep the stitches the same as in the previous row.

Here are the explanations of these terms:

1. Knit the knit stitches

Meaning: Knit the stitches that were knitted in the previous row, keeping them in their original knit form.

2. Knit the purl stitches

Meaning: Knit the stitches that were purled in the previous row, transforming them from purl stitches to knit stitches.

3. Purl the purl stitches

Meaning: Purl the stitches that were purled in the previous row, keeping them in their original purl form.

4. Purl the knit stitches

Meaning: Purl the stitches that were knitted in the previous row,transforming them from knit stitches to purl stitches.

Knit Purl Repeats: Good Patterns - Good Moods
With every stitch, find your calm!

Worked flat

Cast on a multiple of 2 stitches plus 1, such as 21 or 31,...

Knit the Moss stitch pattern to your preferred length, then switch to the Double moss stitch pattern. Repeat both patterns freely as you like.

Moss stitch pattern

Row 1 (RS): Repeat the sequence: *knit 1, purl 1; until 1 stitch remain, then knit 1.

Row 2 (WS): Knit 1, then repeat the sequence: *purl 1, knit 1; until the end of the row.

Repeat rows 1 - 2.

Double Moss stitch pattern

Row 1 (RS): Repeat the sequence: *knit 1, purl 1; until 1 stitch remain, then knit 1.

Row 2 (WS): Purl 1, then repeat the sequence: *knit 1,  pur 1; until the end of the row.

Row 3: Repeat the sequence: *purl 1, knit 1; until 1 stitch remain, then  1.

Row 4: Knit 1, then repeat the sequence: *purl 1, knit 1; until the end of the row.

Repeat rows 1 - 4.


Worked in the round

Cast on a multiple of 2 stitches. The knitting process is the same as when worked flat.

Moss stitch pattern

Round 1: Repeat the sequence: *knit 1, purl 1; until the end of the round.

Round 2: Repeat the sequence: *purl 1, knit 1; until the end of the round.

Repeat rounds 1 - 2.

Double Moss stitch pattern

Knitting Stitches

Round 1: Repeat the sequence: *knit 1, purl 1; until the end of the round.

Round 2: Repeat the sequence: *knit 1, purl 1; until the end of the round.

Round 3: Repeat the sequence: *purl 1, knit 1; until the end of the round.

Round 4: Repeat the sequence: *purl 1, knit 1; until the end of the round.

Repeat rounds 1 - 4.

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