𝗞𝗻𝗶𝘁 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗹 𝟳𝟳: Multiple of 6 sts, 6-row repeat

If you're looking for a simple yet elegant stitch to add some visual interest to your knitting project, the Diagonal right stitch may be just what you need.
With its diagonal lines and subtle texture, the Diagonal Right stitch is a versatile stitch that can be used in a variety of knitting projects.

Knit Purl Stitch No. 77

Category: Knit Purl Dictionary, Diagonal stitches

Level: Easy

Pattern: Multiple of 6 sts, 6-row repeat

Pattern Instructions


Multiple of 6 sts.
Row 1 (RS): *Knit 5, purl 1 ; work from * to end.
Row 2 (WS): *Purl 1, knit 1, purl 4 ; work from * to end.
Row 3: *Knit 3, purl 1, knit 2 ; work from * to end.
Row 4: *Purl 3, knit 1, purl 2 ; work from * to end.
Row 5: *Knit 1, purl 1, knit 4 ; work from * to end.
Row 6: *Purl 5, knit 1 ; work from * to end.


Ein Vielfaches von 6.
Reihe 1 (VS): *5 M rechts, 1 M links ; ab * bis zum Ende der Reihe wiederholen.
Reihe 2 (RS): *1 M links, 1 M rechts, 4 M links ; ab * bis zum Ende der Reihe wiederholen.
Reihe 3: *3 M rechts, 1 M links, 2re ; ab * bis zum Ende der Reihe wiederholen.
Reihe 4: *3 M links, 1 M rechts, 2 M links ; ab * bis zum Ende der Reihe wiederholen.
Reihe 5: *1 M rechts, 1 M links, 4re ; ab * bis zum Ende der Reihe wiederholen.
Reihe 6: *5 M links, 1 re ; ab * bis zum Ende der Reihe wiederholen.


Ret og Vrang Srikning 77, maskeantal deleligt med 6.
Pind 1 (RS): *5 ret, 1 vrang *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 2 (VS): *1 vrang, 1 ret, 4 vrang *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 3: *3 ret, 1 vrang, 2 ret *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 4: *3 vrang, 1 ret, 2 vrang *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 5: *1 ret, 1 vrang, 4 ret *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 6: *5 vrang, 1 ret *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.

Explore More Knit Purl Stitches

Knit Purl Stitches: Easy To Knit

Grab your needles, yarn, pick one, and start knitting!
Listed from top to bottom and left to right:
Knit Purl 77, Knit Purl 53, Knit Purl 33,
Knit Purl 49, Knit Purl 66, Knit Purl 37,
Knit Purl 58, Knit Purl 65, Knit Purl 42, Knit Purl 40.
RS: Knit
WS: Purl
RS: Purl
WS: Knit
DL: Maglia Diritto
RL: Maglia Rovescio
DL: Maglia Rovescio
RL: Maglia Diritto
LD: Derecho
LR: Revés
LD: Revés
LR: Derecho
RS: Rechts
VS: Links
VS: Links
RS: Rechts
RS: Ret
VS: Vrang
RS: Vrang
VS: Rett
Líc: Hladce
Rub: Obrace
Líc: Obrace
Rub: Hladce
Лиц р: Лицевая петля
Изн р: Изнаночная петля
Лиц р: Изнаночная петля
Изн р: Лицевая петля
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正面: 上针(反针)
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