Blanket 27: Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley Blanket / May bells Blanket
Needles: US 7 - 4.5 mm.
Yarn: Etrofil Vivaldi, 20% Wool 80% Acrylic, 5 skeins - 1000m.
Finished Measurements: Approx. 32”x 44”. Additional repeats of the pattern can be added in both length and width to change the final dimensions.

RS, WS: Right side, wrong side.
St (sts): stitch (stitches).
K: knit.
P: purl.
Yo: yarn over.
P2tog: purl 2 stitches together.

Knitting Unlimited Blanket 27: Lily of the Valley Blanket. Etrofil Vivaldi yarn, 5 skeins, size: 32”x 44”. Cast on 140 stitches.
Cast on 140 sts. (Multiple of 18, plus 14.)
Knit 10 rows Seed st.
Row 1: *K1, p1; repeat from * to end.
Row 2: *P1, k1; repeat from * to end.

Row 1 (RS): (K1, p1) ×3, k1, [k4, p2tog, k2, yo, k5, yo, k2, p2tog, k1] ×7, (p1, k1) ×3, p1.
Row 2 (WS): (P1, k1) ×3, p127, (k1, p1) ×3, k1.
Row 3: (K1, p1) ×3, k1, [k3, p2tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, p2tog, k6] ×7, (p1, k1) ×3, p1.
Row 4: (P1, k1) ×3, p127, (k1, p1) ×3, k1.
Row 5: (K1, p1) ×3, k1, [k2, p2tog, k2, yo, k3, yo, k2, p2tog, k5] ×7, (p1, k1) ×3, p1.
Row 6: (P1, k1) ×3, p127, (k1, p1) ×3, k1.
Row 7: (K1, p1) ×3, k1, [k1, p2tog, k2, yo, k5, yo, k2, p2tog, k4] ×7, (p1, k1) ×3, p1.
Row 8: (P1, k1) ×3, p127, (k1, p1) ×3, k1.
Row 9: (K1, p1) ×3, k1, [k6, p2tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, p2tog, k3] ×7, (p1, k1) ×3, p1.
Row 10: (P1, k1) ×3, p127, (k1, p1) ×3, k1.
Row 11: (K1, p1) ×3, k1, [k5, p2tog, k2, yo, k3, yo, k2, p2tog, k2] ×7, (p1, k1) ×3, p1.
Row 12: (P1, k1) ×3, p127, (k1, p1) ×3, k1.
Repeat rows 1-12.
Then knit 10 rows Seed st.
Bind off loosely, weave in ends.
Lily of the Valley Blanket chart. Highlighted area shows one repeat of the pattern.

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