𝗞𝗻𝗶𝘁 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗹 𝟯𝟱: Multiple of 12 sts, 12-row repeat

The Flying Geese Stitch produces a beautiful design that looks the same on both sides of the fabric, making it an ideal choice for projects like scarves and blankets where both sides will be visible.

The Flying Geese Stitch is a reversible stitch, which means that it looks the same on both sides.

Knit Purl Stitch No. 35

Category: Knit Purl Dictionary.

Level: Easy.

Pattern: Multiple of 12 stitches, 12-row repeat.

Pattern Instructions


The Flying Geese Stitch requires you to cast on a multiple of 12 stitches.
Row 1 (RS): *Knit 1, purl 5, knit 5, purl 1 ; work from * to end.
Row 2 (WS): *Knit 2, purl 4, knit 4, purl 2 ; work from * to end.
Row 3: *(knit 3, purl 3) × 2 ; work from * to end.
Row 4: *Knit 4, purl 2, knit 2, purl 4 ; work from * to end.
Row 5: *Knit 5, purl 1, knit 1, purl 5 ; work from * to end.
Row 6: *Knit 6, purl 6 ; work from * to end.
Row 7: Repeat row 5.
Row 8: Repeat row 4.
Row 9: Repeat row 3.
Row 10: Repeat row 2.
Row 11: Repeat row 1.
Row 12: *Purl 6, knit 6 ; work from * to end.
Flying Geese Stitch Chart


Maskeantal deleligt med 12.
Pind 1 (RS): *1 ret, 5 vrang, 5 ret, 1 vrang *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 2 (VS): *2 ret, 4 vrang, 4 ret, 2 vrang *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 3: *(3 ret, 3 vrang) × 2 *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 4: *4 ret, 2 vrang, 2 ret, 4 vrang *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 5: *5 ret, 1 vrang, 1 ret, 5 vrang *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 6: *6 ret, 6 vrang *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.
Pind 7: Gentag pind 5.
Pind 8: Gentag pind 4.
Pind 9: Gentag pind 3.
Pind 10: Gentag pind 2.
Pind 11: Gentag pind 1.
Pind 12: *6 vrang, 6 ret *, gentag fra * til * pinden ud.


Rechts Links Strickmuster 35 , Ein Vielfaches von 12 M.
Reihe 1 (VS): *1 re, 5li, 5re, 1 li ; ab * arbeiten.
Reihe 2 (RS): *2re, 4li, 4re, 2li ; ab * arbeiten.
Reihe 3: *(3re, 3li) × 2 ; ab * arbeiten.
Reihe 4: *4re, 2li, 2re, 4li ; ab * arbeiten.
Reihe 5: *5re, 1 li, 1 re, 5li ; ab * arbeiten.
Reihe 6: *6re, 6li ; ab * arbeiten.
Reihe 7: Reihe 5 wiederholen.
Reihe 8: Reihe 4 wiederholen.
Reihe 9: Reihe 3 wiederholen.
Reihe 10: Reihe 2 wiederholen.
Reihe 11: Reihe 1 wiederholen.
Reihe 12: *6li, 6re ; ab * arbeiten.
RS: Knit
WS: Purl
RS: Purl
WS: Knit
DL: Maglia Diritto
RL: Maglia Rovescio
DL: Maglia Rovescio
RL: Maglia Diritto
LD: Derecho
LR: Revés
LD: Revés
LR: Derecho
RS: Rechts
VS: Links
VS: Links
RS: Rechts
RS: Ret
VS: Vrang
RS: Vrang
VS: Rett
Líc: Hladce
Rub: Obrace
Líc: Obrace
Rub: Hladce
Лиц р: Лицевая петля
Изн р: Изнаночная петля
Лиц р: Изнаночная петля
Изн р: Лицевая петля
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