80+ Symbols Used in Advanced Knitting Patterns

In advanced knitting patterns, symbols serve as a universal language, helping knitters convey complex stitches, techniques, and instructions in a compact, visually intuitive way.
Understanding these symbols is essential for anyone wanting to improve their knitting skills, unlocking a treasure trove of patterns that once seemed daunting.

In this post, I will list and explain the most commonly used symbols in advanced patterns and their meanings.

Basic symbols

Symbol Abb Explanation
Co Cast on
Bo Bind off
M Place marker
Sm Slip marker

Move marker left

Move marker right

Short row right

Short row left

Turn to wrong side

Turn to right side
P Purl
K tbl
Knit through the back loop
P tbl Purl through the back loop
Sl wyib Slip stitch with yarn in back
Sl wyif Slip stitch with yarn in front

Special Symbols

Symbol Abb Explanation
Bunny ears dec Bunny ears dec
N Nupp
B Bobble
Knit 1 below
Knit 2 below
Knit 3 below

Cluster stitches

Wrap stitches

Yarn over, knit st/sts, pass yarn over over knitted st/sts

Yarn over symbols

Symbol Abb Explanation
Yo Yarn over
Yo x2 Yarn over twice
Yo x3 Yarn over three times
Kyok Knit one, yarn over, knit one in the same stitch
Pyop Purl 1, yarn over, purl 1 in the same stitch

Increase Symbols

Symbol Abb Explanation
M1 Make one stitch (right/left)
M1p Make one purl-wide (right/left)
LLI Left lifted increase
RLI Right lifted increase
LLIp Left lifted increase (purled)
RLIp Right lifted increase (purled)
incto2 - (knit 1, purl 1) in one stitch
- (purl 1, knit 1) in one stitch
incto2 - (knit 1, purl 1) in one stitch
- (purl 1, knit 1) in one stitch
incto3  Increase 1 to 3
incto3  Increase 1 to 3
incto4  Increase 1 to 4
incto5  Increase 1 to 5

Decrease Symbols

Symbol Abb Explanation
Ssk Slip slip knit
K2tog Knit two stitches together
Twisted ssk Twisted slip slip knit
Twisted k2tog Twisted knit two stitches together
Ssp Slip slip purl
P2tog Purl two stitches together
Slip slip slip knit
Slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over
K3tog Knit three stitches together
Sssp Slip slip slip purl
P3tog Purl three stitches together
S2kp Slip two stitches knitwise, knit one,
pass slipped stitches over

Ssk nupp

K2tog nupp
sl2 p1 p2sso Slip 2 purl 1 pass 2 slipped stitches over
K4tog Knit 4 together
K5tog Knit 5 together
K7tog Knit 7 together

Gathered Symbols

Symbol Abb Explanation
2-2 2 into 2 gathered
3-3 3 into 3 gathered
5-5 5 into 5 gathered
2-6 2 into 6 gathered
5-7 5 into 7 gathered
7-3 7 into 3 gathered
2-2 tbl 2 into 2 gathered through the back loop
3-2 tbl 3 into 2 gathered through the back loop
3-3 tbl 3 into 3 gathered through the back loop
3-4 tbl 3 into 4 gathered through the back loop
5-2 tbl 5 into 2 gathered through the back loop
3-5 tbl 3 into 5 gathered through the back loop
5-3 tbl 5 into 3 gathered through the back loop
5-7 tbl 5 into 7 gathered through the back loop

Cable Symbols

Symbol Abbreviation
1/1 Left cross
1/1 Right cross
1/1 Left purl cross
1/1 Right purl cross
2/2 Left cross
2/2 Right cross
2/2 Left purl cross
2/2 Right purl cross
2/1/2 Left cross
2/1/2 Right cross
3/3 Left cross
3/3 Right cross
3/3 Left purl cross
3/3 Right purl cross
Note: Always refer to the pattern key for variations in the knit symbols
Happy knitting!

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